Exchange Punkt was a project that never materialised. In 2009 I took part in Dialogi, the 9th International Biennale of Contemporary Art at the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall in St Petersburg, Russia. It was the third time I took part, and I thoroughly welcomed the experience. Because I knew the context well, I felt confident to use it as a way to find out what kind of projects visitors would imagine to take place at 60º North. I brought materials and information about my context as an artist in Shetland as a starting point for conversations.Both Shetland and St. Petersburg are located at 60º North, yet are very different kinds of places. More than ten years later, it is heartbreaking to see the call to stop war in the world, when at the time of writing there is conflict raging in Ukraine.
You can see more of the cards on the Weblog: www.exchangepunkt.blogspot.com